Friday, October 31, 2014

Digital Connection Questionnaire

Digital Connection Questionnaire

The aim of this questionnaire is to collect some information about the connection habits of families and whanau here at Clarkville School. All responses will be confidential and there is no way of identifying individuals and their responses. The whole questionnaire should take between 5-10 minutes. We will be using this information to identify how easy it would be for children to connect with our learning when they are not at school and what support you may need as parents. We are planning to run some parent information sessions and would like this feedback to help us to plan.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Keen Gardeners

Calling all keen gardeners... We have plants and seeds, but nowhere to plant them. We are planning a gardening session on Friday. Keen gardeners will need old clothes, gumboots and any gardening equipment you can spare.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Term 4 Enviro / Art technology

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Term 4 Enviro Art/Technology
This term our Eco warriors are getting creative…..each child will need to bring along some cardboard from home. A cereal box, teabag box etc would be perfect. Please bring to school flattened ready to be turned into a masterpiece! 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Welcome to Term 4 2014!!

Some of the things Mrs Edwards and I have been doing over the holidays. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back on Monday. For camp information please check the Parent Info page. Remember your sunhats and replenish stationery supplies a well.