Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Look Out! Look Out! There's Lice about!!!

Yes we have nasty little nitties amongst our team. Please check at home and treat if you find any. Kathryn has information on the best ways to get rid of the beasts. For girls it's very important that hair is well tied back. Good luck - they are not easy to vanquish.

ICAS Testing Prices

Our apologies, it seems that the prices for the ICAS test were not on the official letter we sent home.  They are as below.

Computer $8.50
Science $8.50
Writing $19.50
Spelling $10.50
English $8.50
Maths $8.50

Payments can be made at the school office.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Triathlon Changes

Format for TUESDAY - Triathlon Day

Due to the forecast weather tomorrow, the format and time for Triathlon HAS CHANGED.
The Triathlon will now begin at 9.30am and will run in the following way…
Aspire, Explore and Discover children will now
1. RUN
The distances remain the same, although there are some small organisation tips that you need to know.

The course is now as follows -
1. Start on the field outside the WEST side of the MPF - Teacher directed.
2. Run the school field in the opposite direction (it will be taped off so you can follow it), run in front of the Senior Team classes, and over the road to enter Rice Park THROUGH THE SMALL GATE. The Rice Park distances and directions remain the same (CLOCKWISE).
3. Once the run is finished, head to Pene and her helpers at the bikes, and get your bike. EXIT RICE PARK FROM THE LARGE GATE and head out on your bike leg.
4. Complete your bike leg as per usual (in the school car park) and a marshal will be there waiting to help you.
5. Run in front of the office, and in front of the library towards the pool. You need to stop on the grass area and take off your shorts, tee shirts and shoes/socks etc. Leave them in a tidy pile to find later!
6. Swim your lengths - these have not changed.
7. Exit the pool - run in front of Ignite, the MPF and back around to the start/finish line.

IF you are NOT running with your team members, you need to wait on the concrete outside the tennis clubrooms at Rice Park.

Your team biker will tag you outside the pool area on the grass. You will then head into the pool area.

Children need to bring their bikes to RICE PARK BEFORE school - Pene will be there to receive them from 8am onwards. Please follow her instructions as these bikes need to be placed in RACE ORDER.

ALL spectators are to stand on the court or on the grass OUTSIDE of the pool. Please do not get in the way of the children competing.
The coffee van will be on the court also.

Races will be started every 15 minutes thereafter, although if the weather looks to be closing in we will shorten this timing.

All going well we should be done and dusted by 11.00am.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lost property

Unfortunately this is a perennial problem! We have a huge amount of unnamed property, which has now gone down to the Library lost property. We also have some students who have lost sweatshirts, jackets and hats, even though they are named. Please check at home to make sure you have the right clothing, and if you are missing anything we suggest you check the Library basket.