Thursday, August 7, 2014

Helping Ronald Mcdonald House

Last term for our taking action we decided to help Ronald McDonald House. We would like to collect toys and games (not broken ones) that people don't want anymore. Then we will take them for Ronald Mcdonald House. Please bring them to Discover before the end of next week.
Thank you from Ashlee Porter, Lachlan Halliday and Isabella Aitchison.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Finding Out

Note for parents re Finding Out

On Monday and Tuesday we are having our Finding Out sessions for Inquiry. This term’s theme is Design your Dream and in the Finding Out sessions your child/children will be designing something to solve a problem in the school.
Monday will be the design day and Tuesday is the making prototypes day.
We would really appreciate any materials you might have that would be useful for making the prototypes on Tuesday: cereal boxes, cardboard tubes (NO toilet rolls please), wool, material, etc. Could you please send these materials on the Tuesday and NOT BEFORE as we don’t have storage space.

Thank you

Team Clarkville