Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Surprised Snowman

Our snowman is an Aussie cousin - let's call him Bruce - still wearing his jandals and cap and a very surprised look on his face because he didn't know it could get this cold in Canterbury!

Hope you like it.  


  1. Looks like everyone else had the right gear for the snow! I'm sure Bruce will get used to the cold, especially when he gets to play in the snow.

  2. Great snowman looks like it was a great day off school.

  3. Thats a funny sonw man and it's quite cool [lachie]

  4. That is a very snowprised face Bruce!!!!!
    I miss you most of all Lily!!

    Hope we can see you again soon.

    Oh,by the way i hope the animals are okay, especially your chicken Beauty.

    love your best buddy Cathy
