Term 4:
Week 9
Yes, the end of the year is upon us!
So what's happening this week?
Ngā mihi nui
Week 8
Not sure how we got to the last two weeks of term...!
So what's happening this week?
Ngā mihi nui
Week 6 - CAMP WEEK
We're sure that no-one will have forgotten that it is camp week. Please have your children and their gear here on time on Wednesday. Students will return on Friday in time for end of day pick up.
What's on?
Ngā mihi nui
Term 4: Week 5
Our final short week for the year - I'm sure no-one has forgotten we are closed for the Canterbury Show weekend holiday on Friday this week.
What's on?
Term 4: Week 4
Welcome to Maddie Williams, a third year teaching student from University of Canterbury
What's on?
A relatively "normal" week. Lovely to be able to get outside and enjoy some beautiful spring weather.
What's on?
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... ful
helpful, useful, joyful, careful, hopeful
Ngā mihi nui
Term 4: Week 2
Our first short week and lots happening with athletics and Pet Show. Apologies if you were looking for this update. It has been a busy day. We had fantastic weather for athletics and everything went off without a hitch!! Always a bonus.
What's on this week?
Term 4: Week 1
Welcome back to the final term for 2017. This is a 9 week term with 2 short weeks and a whole lot of stuff to fit in. It will be busy. Our final day is Friday 15 December - a whole week and a bit before Christmas, so you may want to get the shopping finished earlier this year!!
This Week:
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... tri
Term 3: Week 10
Woohoo!! This is the last week for this term. We hope you are planning some exciting family time, as well as some relaxing time to recharge the batteries ready for a fast and furious final term.
So what else is coming up?
Term 3: Week 9
This week is Kids for Kids choir at Horncastle Arena. Also, we are off to Silver Stream this Friday.
So what else is happening this week:
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... ui
Term 3: Week 8
Tomorrow night is our 'Tackling Technology' evening which we highly recommend for everyone to attend!
So what else is happening this week:
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... ish
polish, vanish, punish, banish, finish,
Challenge words: furnish, publish, demolish, perish, famish
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is..ty
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Week 7
Ski week!!!
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3: Week 6
Looks like you have a quiet week at Clarkville.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3 Week 5:
Hopefully, your child has been coming home and sharing lots of information, solutions, and ideas around some of our worlds Gnarly Problems.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3: Week 4
It might be a good idea to bring a pair of gumboots to school if this rain continues.
So what is happening this week:
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3: Week 3
What a beautiful sunny day.
So what's happening this week:
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Moonhack Tuesday 14 August 8am in the MPF all welcome. Come and be part of a worldwide event.
Have you asked your child about Scratch and what they are learning:
Please read this link below to find out more about scratch and education around this.
Scratch information here
Term 3: Week 2
Hopefully the weather is better this week and the lake under our team space disappears.
What's On:
action, option, nation, motion, station
Challenge words: operation, interaction, reaction, complication, invitation
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is...ow
frown, frowning, drown, drowning, how, allow, power, down
We have had some great discussion today around plastic rubbish, this is the video that we watched. The children have asked us to share this link so they can watch it with you at home.
Also we have headlice in the school!!
Term 3; Week 1
Welcome back to the penultimate term for 2017!! We hope you all had relaxed and refreshing holidays and are ready for another busy term.
What's On:
Week 9
Yes, the end of the year is upon us!
So what's happening this week?
- No spelling, bet everyone is happy about that.
- Second transition Tuesday 11-12:30pm.
- Wet n' Wild tomorrow lunchtime (bring a change of clothes for getting wet in)
- Afternoon prizegiving Thursday 14th 1:30pm.
- Evening prizegiving Thursday 14th 6pm.
- School finishes at 12:30pm on Friday.
- Just to make you aware, we have a couple of cases of chickenpox going around the school.
Please, can you make sure if you have any library or reading books at home these are returned tomorrow.
Also, ask your child if they have any special notices from their next year's teachers after transition.
If you don't see you, please all have an amazing festive season and some well-earned family time.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley
Week 8
Not sure how we got to the last two weeks of term...!
So what's happening this week?
- Spelling - the children have today started a Wordfind that they have made with their own top 20 words, that they find the hardest, from their Wordlab list of words. We will be testing all the words from the list on Friday.
- Mufti day on Wednesday to celebrate Meg's upcoming Wedding. No money to take part, but feel free to come dressed for a wedding!
- Spud in the bucket's need to be here for weighing tomorrow.
- Fish n Chips this Thursday - order online.
- If anyone has library books at home please return these ASAP.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara, Hayley and Maddie :o)
Week 6 - CAMP WEEK
We're sure that no-one will have forgotten that it is camp week. Please have your children and their gear here on time on Wednesday. Students will return on Friday in time for end of day pick up.
What's on?
- CAMP - please make sure that you have read the packing list carefully and include ALL necessary items. Kitchen sinks are not needed.
- SWIMMING - we are still having quite large groups of children without togs each day. Please ensure your child's togs are packed every day OR that you have sent a note / email explaining why they are unable to swim.
- NITS and other nasties - these are about in our team. PLEASE check and treat prior to camp. We do not want an outbreak!!
- SPELLING - there is no spelling this week, for obvious reasons.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara, Hayley and Maddie :o)
Term 4: Week 5
Our final short week for the year - I'm sure no-one has forgotten we are closed for the Canterbury Show weekend holiday on Friday this week.
What's on?
- Diabetic Awareness fundraiser - tomorrow is a mufti day (gold coin donation) to raise money and awareness for diabetes. Children who want to take part should wear BLUE!!!
- CAMP MEETING - tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5pm for those attending, taking transport, or who just want to know more about camp.
- No spelling for the next two weeks due to them both being shortened.
- Swimming - is every day. The pool is beautifully warm and swimming is an integral part of the NZ curriculum, so please send togs every day.
Term 4: Week 4
Welcome to Maddie Williams, a third year teaching student from University of Canterbury
What's on?
- Trip to Town: this is on Wednesday, November 8. The focus of the trip will be around Art in the city, this is the plan for the day Here. The forecast is not great for the day, so please make sure your child has a waterproof jacket as we will still be going. Please also make sure your child has their sunhat, water bottle, and a big lunch.
- Swimming started today for those who had their togs. Please, just a reminder that girls are to wear one piece togs.
- Camp meeting for those coming as parents helpers is next Tuesday 14 5-6pm. A packing list will come out on Friday.
- Stepping Stones need to be finished and presented this Friday for all Year 4's.
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... a-e
parking, darling, darkness, harmless, sharpen, carton, carpet, artist.
Ngā mihi nui
Term 4: Week 3
nickname, parade, female, pavement
Challenge words:
lemonade, separate, grateful, exchange
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is .. -arChallenge words:
lemonade, separate, grateful, exchange
parking, darling, darkness, harmless, sharpen, carton, carpet, artist.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara, Hayley, Maddie and Lainie :o)
A relatively "normal" week. Lovely to be able to get outside and enjoy some beautiful spring weather.
What's on?
- It is Assembly week and OUR assembly, so we hope you can be there to support us.
- Trip to Town: this is on Wednesday November 8 (next week!!). We would like 5 or 6 parents to help with small groups of children. We are travelling by bus, but you could take your own cars and meet us. The focus for the trip will be around Art in the city. A more detailed programme will come home later in the week by email.
- Second teacher trainee: next week we will be joined by Maddie Williams from UC. She missed out on her initial placement earlier in the year and is making up for it now. She will be with us for 4 weeks.
- Year 4 2018 Camp: Today the Y4 students have brought home some initial information around their Wainui camp in February next year. This is simply to start the police vetting process for interested parents.
- Inquiry Taking Action: you may be asked for some interesting things over the next week or 2, such as gardening gloves, gumboots, etc. We are working hard to "take action" to solve a gnarly problem around the school. As well as gardening, we have painting projects and projects for solving plastic rubbish in our community.
- Deano Yipadee: is a performance artist and author who will be visiting school on Tuesday 7 November. The cost for this $3 per child, which will be added to your Term 4 invoice.
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... ful
cheerful, bucketful, painful, powerful
Challenge words:
Beautiful, colourful, mouthful, thankful
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is .. fulChallenge words:
Beautiful, colourful, mouthful, thankful
helpful, useful, joyful, careful, hopeful
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara, Hayley and Lainie :o)
Term 4: Week 2
Our first short week and lots happening with athletics and Pet Show. Apologies if you were looking for this update. It has been a busy day. We had fantastic weather for athletics and everything went off without a hitch!! Always a bonus.
What's on this week?
- Pet Show / Farmers Market: by now you should have received a final informational email. We hope the weather will be as kind on Friday as it was today.
- Our Thursday specialist programme kicks off again this week.
- No spelling homework, due to the shortness of the week and lack of actual time in the team.
- Camp notice - this is almost ready to come home so keep an eye out on Friday.
What's coming up?
- Assembly next week is our assembly and we will be working towards this.
- Trip to town: this is coming up on November 8 and will be an art focused trip, with a visit to the Len Lye exhibition at the Art Gallery and a session with SCAPE educationalists. An email with further details will come home next week. The cost for this trip is $6.50 for the bus transport and will be added to your Term 4 invoice.
- We also have a second teacher trainee starting with us next week. She will join Lainie Roddis for a 5 week posting.
Term 4: Week 1
Welcome back to the final term for 2017. This is a 9 week term with 2 short weeks and a whole lot of stuff to fit in. It will be busy. Our final day is Friday 15 December - a whole week and a bit before Christmas, so you may want to get the shopping finished earlier this year!!
This Week:
- Book Launch - as promised last term an invitation was sent home via your child today. Our Book Launch is on Wednesday from 5.00pm until 6.30pm. We hope to see as many of you here as possible to share all the writing your child has published so far this year.
- Athletics - a notice came home today with the oldest in the family. Athletics are held next Tuesday 24 October. ALL students in Team Tūhura will be taking part in senior athletics. Our 7 year olds will compete as 8 year olds. We will be practising each afternoon this week, weather permitting.
- Pet Show - is also next week on Friday 27 October. If your child is entering a pet, their project must be completed and handed in by this Friday, 20 October. No late entries will be marked. If you have entered a garden in the Agricultural club section, this project is NOT due until November 16.
- Camp - Next week we hope to send home information regarding our camp on November 22 - 24 at Woodend. This year we will ALL go for the whole time, rather than split the team as has happened in the past.
- Assembly - is this week and then every second week, except for Show Weekend. Our assembly this term will be in WEEK 3.
- HATS!!! - Yes it is a hat term. We need everyone to be sunsmart and have a school bucket hat CLEARLY NAMED by the end of this week please. Students who have no hat will need to remain under the MPF verandah after this.
- Litter free - this term we are making a big push to achieve litter free lunches. The amount of food packaging around our school gets to be hideous during term time. Many of the foods contained in this packaging are high in sugars and salts and therefore not suitable as "brain" food for children. We will be doing some learning around this "gnarly" problem as a team and hopefully coming up with some interesting solutions.
- Do you have any old receipts at home, like supermarket or clothing shopping receipts. If so can you please bring these in for Paula.
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... tri
tricycle, trio, triple, triplet
Challenge words: triangle, triathlon, triathlete, triceratops
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is .. mid
middle, midday, midnight, midsummer, midterm, midweek, midway, midwinter.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara, Hayley and Lainie :o)
Challenge words: triangle, triathlon, triathlete, triceratops
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is .. mid
middle, midday, midnight, midsummer, midterm, midweek, midway, midwinter.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara, Hayley and Lainie :o)
Term 3: Week 10
Woohoo!! This is the last week for this term. We hope you are planning some exciting family time, as well as some relaxing time to recharge the batteries ready for a fast and furious final term.
So what else is coming up?
- Book Launch - we usually have this at the end of this term, however we have run out of time. Therefore we will hold this in the first week of next term on Wednesday 18 October. An invitation will come home on Monday 16, but please pencil this in on your calendar now.
- Ski day - if your child is booked to go please make sure they are here by 6.45am on Wednesday with everything they need.
- Sausage sizzle on Friday - please book through Kindo.
- Basic facts - while we do not practise these on a weekly basis we do use them in the games we play and mathletics. On Friday we tested all students to see where they were at with these. They will bring the test home tomorrow. Next term we will retest. This gives everyone time to work on areas of weakness.
- Kaiapoi Tennis Club - are looking for keen up and coming tennis players. If you are interested check out the information poster in our team space or email: kaiapoijuniortennis@gmail.com Enrolments close on October 18.
- Spelling - no spelling this week. Please focus on basic facts instead.
Term 3: Week 9
This week is Kids for Kids choir at Horncastle Arena. Also, we are off to Silver Stream this Friday.
So what else is happening this week:
- Silver stream notice and information came home today, please read this and respond if you are able to help.
- Kids for Kids Choir is this Friday.
- Please return any notices you have at home for Kapahaka, Pet Show etc these need to be returned ASAP.
- Pizza this Friday.
- Working Bee this coming Sunday 24, more hands make light work.
We are happy to have Mrs. Roddis, at University of Canterbury Grad Student with us for the rest of this term and the first five weeks of next term. Please take the to time to introduce yourself and make her feel welcome in our team.
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... ui
fruit, juice, suit, juicy, bruise
Challenge words: nuisance, suitable, sluice, cruise
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is .. a-e
flake, frame, brake, behave, amaze, mistake, awake, became
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Challenge words: nuisance, suitable, sluice, cruise
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is .. a-e
flake, frame, brake, behave, amaze, mistake, awake, became
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3: Week 8
Tomorrow night is our 'Tackling Technology' evening which we highly recommend for everyone to attend!
So what else is happening this week:
- Thanks Annie for organising a great 'Parents Day In', we had a great turnout and the children seemed to really love their parents learning alongside them.
- Please read the notice belong about our upcoming evening on 'Tackling Technology'.
- School photos on Wednesday
- Fish n Chips are available on Thursday, please order these online through Kindo.
- Assembly this Friday.
- Please return Pet Show notices ASAP, and if you are doing spud in the bucket you need to pay the $3 upfront.
- Please also return your ski notices if you haven't already.
- Kapahaka notices when home today.
We would like to take this opportunity to say well done to Ms Brocket and enviro-team and the rest of the staff for all their hard work in helping us to achieve our Silver Enviroschools award. There has been a lot of work that Ms Brocket has driven over the last three years to make this happen and it is her passion that has now helped a group of our students become true eco warriors.
Also, Paula has some exciting news to share. On Friday she became a Nana when her Son Mitch and Daughter-in-law Larissa has a gorgeous we baby boy 'Oakley Bennett Gray'. The new Nana is extremely excited.
polish, vanish, punish, banish, finish,
Challenge words: furnish, publish, demolish, perish, famish
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is..ty
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Week 7
Ski week!!!
- Spellathon: The sheets from testing on Friday have come home today. Please return your sponsorship money ASAP, in a named envelope. There is a container in our team.
- Ski day is this Wednesday.
- Pizza this Friday, order on the day.
- Silver Reflection for Enviro this Friday.
- No blog spelling this week, instead we will be doing the three team words from last week and this weeks three words.
- Please read the notice belong about our upcoming evening on 'Tackling Technology'.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3: Week 6
Looks like you have a quiet week at Clarkville.
- Our Assembly this week.
- Spellathon is this Friday, so keep up the practice.
- Thanks everyone for your support with House Day. It was a very successful first house day. Big thanks to Charlotte Roche, the Student Council and Mrs. Edwards for making this so much fun. We can't wait until the next event.
- Camp notice: If you are wanting to come on camp as a Parent Helper please return your form ASAP.
- Ski day is next Wednesday.
- Plastic jars are needed for Bug Hotels this Thursday.
- Please read the notice belong about our upcoming evening on 'Tackling Technology'.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3 Week 5:
Hopefully, your child has been coming home and sharing lots of information, solutions, and ideas around some of our worlds Gnarly Problems.
- Ski notices need to be back and paid for by tomorrow at the latest.
- Sausage sizzle this Friday.
- Buddy group house day is this Friday. Watch out for more information over the next couple of days.
- Spellathon - please keep practising these at home ready for our spellathon, Friday of week 6.
- We have had a lot of sickness over the last few weeks, so please make sure your child is well before they come back to school, so we can stop anything spreading.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3: Week 4
It might be a good idea to bring a pair of gumboots to school if this rain continues.
So what is happening this week:
- Moonhack is tomorrow: We hope to see as many of you here as possible.
- We have had a couple of cases of Scarlet Fever in the school. Please read the information that came home in an email today from Kathryn. Also, here is a link with some information. Here
- Spellathon: Please keep practising these words at home.
- Ski Trip: notices are due back next week
- Kapahaka Performance this Thursday for year 4 and above.
- First Aid workshops are happening this week, our team will be going tomorrow (Tuesday)
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Term 3: Week 3
What a beautiful sunny day.
So what's happening this week:
- Moonhack is next Tuesday: Please read the information sent out last week.
- Spellathon information: Please read the notice that came home with your child today. There will be no home spelling for the next three weeks so you can take this time to practice these words.
- Sausage sizzle: Thanks for the quick response we have enough parents now.
- Ski notice went home today if your child didn't bring one and you would like one please let us know.
- Plastic jars: We are needing plastic jars with lids to make bug catchers at environtech, if you have any please bring these in for Thursday.

Have you checked out our maths tab?
Paula, Lynley, Sara and Hayley :o)
Moonhack Tuesday 14 August 8am in the MPF all welcome. Come and be part of a worldwide event.
Have you asked your child about Scratch and what they are learning:
Please read this link below to find out more about scratch and education around this.
Scratch information here

Term 3: Week 2
Hopefully the weather is better this week and the lake under our team space disappears.
What's On:
- Assembly - this week's assembly is Aspire's
- School disco this Friday - 6pm until 8pm
- Year 4 Kapa Haka notices due back to Mrs G in Explore please
- Lynley and Paula are out undertaking some maths PD on Friday. Lynda Meyer and Sue Brown will be running Team Tūhura that day.
- Stationery: many students did not have the items they needed at school today (glue sticks, pencils, pens etc) Please check with your child and make sure supplies are restocked (and NAMED) ASAP please.
- Lunch orders: the PTA have emailed all parents to let them know about changing from Wrapitup to Kindo for ordering lunches. This change is from this week, so make sure you have signed up. This Friday is sausage sizzle and it is our team's turn to provide volunteers. If you can help please fill out the roster in our team space.
action, option, nation, motion, station
Challenge words: operation, interaction, reaction, complication, invitation
Year 3 Homework Spelling: the pattern is...ow
frown, frowning, drown, drowning, how, allow, power, down
We have had some great discussion today around plastic rubbish, this is the video that we watched. The children have asked us to share this link so they can watch it with you at home.
Also we have headlice in the school!!
Term 3; Week 1
Welcome back to the penultimate term for 2017!! We hope you all had relaxed and refreshing holidays and are ready for another busy term.
What's On:
- Punctuality: We would like to remind parents that while we do not have a bell at 9.00am, it is officially the time when we start. If students do not have their ChILL activities completed by hui time, because they are regularly late to school, they will be expected to complete these at morning tea.
- Stationery: many students did not have the items they needed at school today (glue sticks, pencils, pens etc) Please check with your child and make sure supplies are restocked (and NAMED) ASAP please.
- Lunch orders: the PTA have emailed all parents to let them know about changing from Wrapitup to Kindo for ordering lunches. This change is from this week, so make sure you have signed up. This Friday is sausage sizzle and it is our team's turn to provide volunteers. If you can help please fill out the roster in our team space.
- Kapahaka - if your child has brought a notice home please ensure you have completed it and returned to school
Year 4 Homework Spelling: the pattern is ... ere
elsewhere, there, somewhere, severe, where, nowhere
Challenge: sphere; atmosphere, hemisphere, stratosphere