Wednesday, June 6, 2012

ChiLLing at home in the snow

There are lots of things you can be doing at home.

Have you tried to make a Grand Design out of snow?

What about writing in the snow?

Have you seen how big some of the snowflakes are? What size do you think the biggest one is?

Take a picture of the snow. Can you count the number of snowflakes in the picture? Try counting in 2s, 5s or 10s.

Can you write a setting for a narrative that would be in the snow? Remember to use all your senses to help make a picture in the reader's head.

What about writing a play ?

Can you start researching your Grand Design ?  Start planning your presentation. What information is going to be important to be included?

Have fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all your fun ideas Mrs E. I'd better get busy!!
