Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Huge Thank you...

A huge thank you to  Michelle, Anita, Jemma, Kim, Jane, Debbie, Brian & Cherie for their outstanding effort on the weekend at the Northwood Warehouse BBQ fundraiser – approx $1000.00 was raised.  All these events help towards the next stage of our playground. 

Many thanks
Jenni & Sharon

Sunday, June 24, 2012

An Invitation

We have worked hard this term with our Inquiry learning. We would like to share this learning with you this week. We have slide shows, posters and movies to share with you.

Thursday morning 9am - 9.45am.

We would really love you to come and see our work. We are very proud of what we have achieved.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New student in Team Discover

We have a new student in our team. RJ has come from Lauriston School in mid Canterbury. Please welcome him and introduce yourselves. We look forward to learning about Lauriston School and hope they visit our blog.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Noah's Grand Design

Petrea's Snow Story

Me and Sophie M were the first ones in the snow and we played snow ball fights. Then mum and dad came outside and did a flower in the snow. I made an angel and I got freezing.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What to do in the snow!!

The snow can be soft and  hard. You can make  snow balls and igloos out of it. It is really fun to make snowmen. I made a chair and my Dad made an igloo and a couch. It was really fun.

by Bree

Paint it Black

Paint it Black

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Snow Icecream

Here's something to try if there's lots of CLEAN snow still hanging around at your place! Enjoy

Grand Designs in the Snow

We made a sort of igloo - took a candle out there last night and got cosy!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Surprised Snowman

Our snowman is an Aussie cousin - let's call him Bruce - still wearing his jandals and cap and a very surprised look on his face because he didn't know it could get this cold in Canterbury!

Hope you like it.  

What's been happening behind the clouds?

Today, while we have been tucked up inside and it has been snowing something very special has been happening in the sky. Watch this video for an idea of what we missed out on today.

ChiLLing at home in the snow

There are lots of things you can be doing at home.

Have you tried to make a Grand Design out of snow?

What about writing in the snow?

Have you seen how big some of the snowflakes are? What size do you think the biggest one is?

Take a picture of the snow. Can you count the number of snowflakes in the picture? Try counting in 2s, 5s or 10s.

Can you write a setting for a narrative that would be in the snow? Remember to use all your senses to help make a picture in the reader's head.

What about writing a play ?

Can you start researching your Grand Design ?  Start planning your presentation. What information is going to be important to be included?

Have fun!!!

Making Snowflakes

Can you make a 6 pointed snowflake like in this video? Bring them to school when you get back and show us how successful you are.

This is the one I made at home. - Caleb

Ms B at Home

Wow the snow hasn't stopped. My back lawn is like a fairytale. Time to make some hot soup! Can't wait to get out and do some creating in the snow. I feel a Grand Design coming on!!