Monday, October 30, 2017

Pet Show

Thanks everyone for making this such a fun and successful day. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, the animals were well behaved, their owners very knowledgeable and the stalls were creative and yummy. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Pet Show and Farmers Market

Clarkville School Agricultural Club
Pet Show and Farmers Market

This Friday is our Agricultural Club Pet Show. All Pet Projects should now be in for marking.

On the day, all the Photography entries and Pet Projects will be available for viewing in the MPF.

If you are bringing a pet to show, please have this at school between 8:30 and 9am ready for judging to begin at around 9:30am. There will be people available to help you find the correct place for your animal. We will send home a list of questions the judges may ask to help you prepare. Also be aware that these judges are giving up their time to support our pet show, so please give them the respect they deserve.

The approximate timetable for the day is as follows:
9:00 -   Judges morning tea and briefing
9:30 -   Judging begins
10:30 - Morning Tea
11:00 - Grand parade
           Calf leading
           Lamb calling
           Best Dressed
Animals are to go home after this.

Farmers Market starts at 1pm and set up is from 12pm, once all the animals have gone.
Please again be mindful that we are an Enviroschool and you are providing food and containers that support our school beliefs, as was written in the handbook information given out with all the Pet show entries last term.
Please also remember that if you are running a stall, you are responsible for the money and cleaning up of everything afterwards, including removal of any rubbish.
‘Choose to be Talented’ will start not long after 1pm, once the stalls have started trading.
Hope you are all prepared for a day of fun and entertainment.
Regards Paula and Lynley :o)