Living Springs Camp Packing List
- Warm sleeping bag and pillow
- PJ’s
- Toiletries
- Soft toy (optional)
- Bath towel
- Plastic bags for wet/dirty gear
- Insect repellent
- WATERPROOF raincoat
- Warm polar fleece or woollen jumper
- T-Shirts / sweatshirts
- Shorts / trackpants
- Socks and undies
- Thermals / Polypros (it will still get very cold at night)
- WARM hat (Beanie)
- Sunhat
- Sunscreen / sunglasses
- Sneakers / Boots for walking
- Togs, extra towel for swimming pool visits
- Torch (optional)
- Daypack with lunch for Day 1 in lunch box (Year 4 only)
- Water bottle – for use on walks and other strenuous physical activities
- Money
- Jewellery
- Extra food or lollies of any kind. If found these will be confiscated.
Please Note: Unless items are named we are unable to ensure they will return from camp.
Contact Phone Numbers during Camp - for Emergency purposes only.
Paula: 027 843 6343
Lynley: 027 599 9571
Living Springs Office: 03 329 9788 (only if you are unable to get a response from the above numbers)